User Interface Design von Office 2010

Keri Vandeberghe von Microsoft’s Office Design Group gibt in einem interessanten Artikel auf dem offiziellen Office-Blog Einblick in die Oberflächengestaltung von Office 2010 und stellt das neue Design der Programmicons vor.


Designing and implementing the visuals for Microsoft Office goes beyond the icons and the age old desire simply to “make it look pretty”. It’s about bridging the gap between the familiar and the unknown, conveying and building on a brand, and helping users complete their daily tasks without getting in the way. Hopefully this quick overview has given you a better understanding of the visual refresh you’ll see in Microsoft Office 2010.


The application icons have been re-designed for the release of Office 2010. The new icon designs respond to research that informs us that users can more easily associate icons by letter and color than by abstract design. We’ve adopted an alphabet system to bring a more uniform approach to the wide variety of Office family products.

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Office 2010: Visuals and Branding
Evolving the Backstage View

4 Kommentare zu „User Interface Design von Office 2010“

  1. Hallo Holger, besten Dank für den Link auf das Video. Der Vortrag von Jensen Harris ist wirklich sehenswert. Viele Grüße Ulf

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